If you have been pushing the limits to complete your “to-do” list and you may have lower back pain, muscle spasms, or other neuromuscular difficulties, consider scheduling an appointment for your personalized massage therapy session. A technique which concentrates on the deeper layers of the skin, meuromuscular massage releases tension from the body through slow strokes and deep pressure applied to concentrated area.
I hold a current Alaska State License for Massage Therapy. Convenient days and hours are available to meet your needs. I would love to see you and I look forward to continuing the legacy and healing works of Jade Mountain Clinic, LLC. We are located at Mile Marker 9 on Chena Hot Springs Road. The physical address of Jade Mountain Clinic, LLC is 615 O’Leary Road, Fairbanks, Alaska 99712.
Schedule your appointment today through the online scheduling tool or feel free to give me a call at 907-750-1319.
Be well,
Janet L. Juenke
Licensed Massage Therapist (LMT)